Date: Saturday, October 9
Time: 10:00AM – 4:00PM
Join us for a plane wash, BBQ, hangar talk and a view of the Blue Angels departures and arrivals for Fleet Week! Family and aviation enthusiasts welcome!
Food this time will be back to the usual meeting fair. We’ll be BBQing and hosting a pot luck. Bring your favorite dish and share your food with the piloting world. We’ll have some cold drink as well but feel free to bring you favourite libations if you want.
The election of the board is one of our goals for this Saturday. A member will be asking around before we conduct any official business for anyone that would like to join the board. This club is run by volunteers. It’s only as good as the amount of time people give to make it that way. We’re always looking for help with those that want to join in. Being on the board means committing to:
– Attending board meetings that occur every other month
– Discussion and voting on club affairs
– Interviewing new prospective members
– Owning a part of the club’s operations
– Ensuring the success and longevity of the club
– Inspire others to do the same
We’re going to try to have a thrice around (we have all the planes booked) but because of the airshow we may have to improvise. One note: This time in order to participate in the thrice around you must also participate in the plane wash. 😀
Location: Club Hangar
10:00AM – Plane Wash Begins
11:00AM – Thrice Arounds Begin
12:00PM – Potluck Lunch
~3:00PM – Blue Angels Take Off