Finally, some good news to come out of 2020! After impressing DPE Rick Savage with his short field landings in KEDU, Stefan Landau is Alameda Aero Club’s newest Private Pilot. Congratulations, Stefan!!A huge accomplishment and well deserved.
Mihir Paradkar aced his instrument checkride today with DPE Ashley Snider in Lincoln. 2020 started cloudy for Mihir after his badge, logbook, and passport were stolen. But through masks, smoke, and heat, he went for his instrument rating anyway. He showed rare ability in the simulator phase, then nailed a perfect ILS 28R in IMC on his first training flight after! As a musician, we knew he was checkride-ready when he started humming in between scanning, briefing, and centering the needles. And now he can fly through the clouds all alone! Congratulations Mihir! Clarence Binninger CFII, with help from Derek Goheen
So proud of this lad. 17 year old Max Hergel passed the private pilot checkride this afternoon. In the picture left to right, examiner Rich Conte, Max, yours truly. Masks off just for the pic. Terence Wilson (and Adam Webster) CFIs
After grudgingly admitting defeat arguing about Bernoulli’s Law with physics PhD Roland Koch, examiner Richard Conte got his back by nitpicking on the power-off 180s. One week of practicing later, that hurdle fell and the club now has yet another CFI.
Cullen Wong achieved a well-deserved instrument rating with DPE Ashley Snider in Lincoln today. Cullen has been an ideal learner throughout this process, starting with his large investment of time and effort in demanding simulator training. His can-do attitude throughout, overcame the additional challenges of smoke, heat, and masks. DPE spotted these traits encouraging him to press on to CFII. Onwards to Commercial and CFI!
Clarence Binninger CFII, with help from Derek Goheen and B.J. Shockley
Congratulations to club member Michael Scarito on passing is CFI and CFII checkrides in July in sunny Florida! Welcome to the slate of excellent instructors serving the Alameda Aero Club!