(Quick Reference Only, Refer to POH for most up to date information)
Speeds (knots)
Vne: 160
Vno: 126
Va @ 2400 lbs (max. gross): 111
Va @ 1531 lbs: 88
Vfe: 103
Vs: 50
Vso: 44
Vx: 63
Vy: 79
Vg: 73
Normal landing, full flaps: 63
Demonstrated x-wind capability: 17
180 HP @ 2700 RPM
Total Fuel Capacity 50 gallons, useable 48 gallons
Tabs Total Fuel Capacity 34 gallons, useable 32 gallons
Compass Deviations
For N 30 60 E 120 150
Steer 358 28 59 90 121 150
For S 210 240 W 300 330
Steer 181 208 239 269 300 329
W&B last revised as of 10/6/2023; confirmed current June 2024
Max Ramp Weight: 2447
Max Takeoff Weight: 2440
Max Landing Weight: 2440
Max Baggage Weight: 200
Basic Empty Weight: 1563.03
Arm: 84.97
Useful Load: 876.97