New Instrument Pilot: Cody Nguyen

After thoroughly testing our upgraded club simulator in 50 knot crosswind and windshear instrument approaches, Cody Nguyen did a “beautiful” job on his instrument checkride with DPE Ashley Snider in LHM. Congratulations, and onwards to CPL then CFI Cody!

Clarence Binninger, CFII

New Private Pilot: Matthew Tisdale

After several scheduling snafu’s, Rich Conté felt compelled to conduct Matthew Tisdale’s checkride at KOAK. After probing the depth of Matthew’s knowledge the flight portion went well and we have another private pilot in our club. Congratulations Matthew!

Ronald Put, CFII

First Solo: Scott Allen

The weather cooperated, the traffic was light and captain Allen was ready. In no small part due to Clarence Binninger’s excellent instruction before me, Scott’s pattern work and landings were textbook. Congratulations Scott!

Ronald Put, CFII