
Alameda Aero Club has a number of members who are FAA certificated flight instructors (CFIs) and have been approved to provide flight instruction in AAC aircraft. Club CFIs are independent contractors who set their own rates and policies, and have a range of backgrounds and interests. When you join AAC, you’ll work with the Membership Officer and Chief Pilot to identify one or more club CFIs who would be a good fit for your training objectives.

Common acronyms used below:
CFI-A: Flight Instructor with airplane rating
CFI-I: Flight instructor with instrument rating
MEI: Multi engine instructor
AGI: Advanced ground instructor
IGI: Instrument ground instructor
ATP: Airline transport pilot

Liz Sommers, CFII, ATP, Chief Pilot
esommers99 at aol dot com

Background/Occupation: Part-time flight instructor
Certificates: CFI-A; CFI-I; ATP
Instruction Offered: Flight reviews, IPCs, Aircraft checkouts: C172, Piper Warrior, Piper Arrow, DA40, C182
Accepting New Students? Not for ratings/certificates
Times Available: By appointment

Clarence Binninger, CFII

Background/Occupation: Part-time flight instructor
Certificates: CFI-A; CFI-I; AGI; IGI
Instruction Offered: Private, Instrument, Commercial, CFI, Flight Review, IPC, aircraft checkouts
Accepting New Students? Yes, on a case-by-case basis
Times Available: Flexible

Mike Eggen, CFII
2mikeeggen at gmail dot com
Background/Occupation: Flight instructor, A&P (IA)
Certificates: CFI-A; CFI-I
Instruction Offered: Private, Instrument, Commercial, CFI, Flight Review, IPC, aircraft checkouts; tailwheel and aerobatics
Accepting New Students? Yes
Times Available: Any day
Jeff Ferland, CFII
jeff at storyinmemo dot com
Background/Occupation: Site Reliability Engineer; Part-Time Flight Instructor. Piper Comanche owner, single engine coast-to-coast flying experience
Certificates: CFI-A, CFII, CPL-G
Instruction Offered: Flight Reviews, IPCs, Private, Instrument, Commercial, CFI, HP and complex endorsements, mountain flying
Accepting New Students? Yes
Times Available: By appointment, usually outside business hours

Christian Goetze, CFII
cg at miaow dot com
Background/Occupation: Software engineer
Certificates: CFI-A; CFI-I
Instruction Offered: Flight review; IPC; Cirrus checkouts
Accepting New Students? No
Times Available: By appointment

Tim Greer, CFII

greertim at gmail dot com
Background/Occupation: Retired tech professional, now part-time flight instructor. Loves sharing the flying bug! 3000 hours in numerous aircraft types, tailwheel several makes, Cirrus certified, and owner of Vans RV6A.
Certificates: CFI-A; CFI-I; AGI; Gold Seal; Cirrus Training Center Instructor (CTI)
Instruction Offered: Flight Review; IPC; Private; Instrument; Commercial; CFI; aircraft checkouts; owner aircraft instruction
Accepting New Students? Yes
Times Available: Weekdays and some weekends, by appointment

Alex Guo, CFII
Background/Occupation: Cargo pilot
Certificates: CFI-A; CFI-I; MEI; IGI
Instruction Offered: Flight review; IPC; Instrument; Aircraft Checkouts
Accepting New Students? No
Times Available: Pending

Nadja Heine, PhD, CFII
nadjaheine at gmail dot com
Background/Occupation: Part-time flight instructor; Scientist
Certificates: CFI-A; CFI-I
Instruction Offered: Private, Commercial, Flight Review, Aircraft Checkouts, Mock Checkrides, Stage Checks, Proficiency and Currency Checks, Ground, Flamping
Accepting New Students? Yes
Times Available: Flexible

Zsolt Katona, CFII
zskatona at gmail dot com
Background/Occupation: Part-time CFI
Certificates: CFI-I; MEI; ATP
Instruction Offered: Flight Reviews, IPCs, Private, Instrument, Commercial, CFI, aircraft checkouts
Accepting New Students? Yes
Times Available: Varies, by appointment

Drew Kemp, CFII
charlesdkemp at gmail dot com
Background/Occupation: Drew has had careers as a Roadie, Boatbuilder, Mechanical Engineer, Flight Instructor, Part 135 FO Pilatus PC-12/CJ2/CJ3, and Contract Captain on a Cessna 421 and an Epic E1000GX. 54 years of flight experience, 7500 hours of flight instruction given.  Recipient of the FAA Wright Bros. Master Pilot Award – August 2023.
Certificates: CFI-A; CFI-I
Instruction Offered: Private, Commercial, CFI, CFII certificates.  Instrument Rating, High Performance and Complex endorsement, Tailwheel endorsement. Transition training for all AAC aircraft types, and Mountain Flying checkout. 61.56 flight review, 61.57 IPC, Bay Area Familiarization Training in the VFR and IFR environments
Accepting New Students? Yes
Times Available: All times, by appointment

Erik Klavon, CFII
cfi dot erik at icloud dot com
Background/Occupation: Pending
Certificates: Pending
Instruction Offered: Pending
Accepting New Students? Pending
Times Available: Pending
Roland Koch, CFI
Background/Occupation: Pending
Certificates: Pending
Instruction Offered: Pending
Accepting New Students? Pending
Times Available: Pending

Zachary Larner, CFI
Background/Occupation: Airline pilot
Certificates: CFI-A; CFI-I; MEI; ATP
Instruction Offered: Flight review; IPC; checkride prep
Accepting New Students? No
Times Available: By appointment

Tony Malone, CFI
ke6nez at gmail dot com
Background/Occupation: I’ve held many jobs from being a flight school manager, airplane washer, mechanics helper, high school teacher to currently a full-time IT Director at an oil and gas company. I’m a part-time flight instructor, flying a total of 29 years (solo at 16, PPL at 17), ground instructing for 10 years and flight instructing for 2 years.
Certificates: CFI-A; AGI
Instruction Offered: Primary and Advanced Training, Aircraft Checkouts, Flight Reviews, Phase Checks, High Performance/Complex endorsement, Mentorship
Accepting New Students? Yes
Times Available: Some weekday early mornings and late evenings, almost all weekends, by appointment.

George Michelogiannakis, CFII, ATP

mixelogj13 at yahoo dot co dot uk
Background/Occupation: Computer researcher, soccer referee, part-time flight instructor. Active Civil Air Patrol (CAP) instructor with a lot of G1000 and C172/C182/C206 teaching experience.
Certificates: CFI-A; CFI-I; MEI; ATP
Instruction Offered: Private, Instrument, Commercial, CFI, Flight Review, IPC, aircraft checkouts, G1000 or avionics familiarization
Accepting New Students? Yes, depending on availability
Times Available: Weekends and weekday evenings by appointment

Tala Orngard, CFII

tala dot orngard at gmail dot com
Background/Occupation: Flight Instructor. Always on the lookout for insightful ways to help my students fly with skill, confidence, and finesse. I bring a positive outlook, patience, and a can-do attitude.
Certificates: CFI-A; CFI-I; MEI
Instruction Offered:  Private Pilot, Commercial, Instrument, Flight Review, IPC, Rusty Pilot
Accepting New Students? Yes
Times Available: Flexible

Ronald Put, CFII

put dot ronald at gmail dot com
Background/Occupation: Retired; part-time flight instructor
Certificates: FAA: CFI-A; CFI-I. EASA: SEP and IR(A)
Instruction Offered: Private, Instrument, Commercial, CFI and CFII, Flight Review, IPC.
Accepting New Students? Yes
Times Available: All days/flexible

Gui Chang Sim, CFI
96 gc sim at gmail. dot com
Background/Occupation: Full-time flight instructor
Certificates: CFI-A; CFI-I; AGI; IGI
Instruction Offered: Private, Instrument, Commercial, Flight Review, IPC, aircraft checkouts
Accepting New Students? Yes
Times Available: All days, flexible

Ted Waddelow, CFII
theodore dot waddelow at gmail dot com
Background/Occupation: Government Affairs; part-time flight instructor
Certificates: CFI-A; CFI-I; AGI
Instruction Offered: Private, Instrument, Commercial, Flight Review, IPC, aircraft checkouts
Accepting New Students? Yes
Times Available: Weekdays preferred. Weekends, weeknights, by appointment

Terence Wilson, CFII
terence dot wilson at gmail dot com
Background/Occupation: Part-time flight instructor / corporate pilot
Certificates: CFI-A; CFI-I; CFI-G; MEI
Instruction Offered: Specializing in advanced instruction: instrument, commercial, CFI
Accepting New Students? Yes
Times Available: Weekdays preferred. Weekends & evenings by appointment

 Wright, CFII
jeff at wright-aviation dot com
Background/Occupation: IT Director for a tech company. Part Time Flight Instructor.
Having grown up in North Carolina, down the road from Kitty Hawk, and having the last name of Wright, I was always destined to fly.  I’m a proud owner of a Piper Arrow and have over 2000 hours of fun flying time all over the country. It’s a passion to this day. 
Certificates: CFI-I
Instruction Offered: Commercial, Instrument, Flight Review, IPC, Rusty Pilot
Accepting New Students? Not for Primary at this time. See above.
Times Available: By appointment