Dinner and a Movie Tonight (5/20)


We will be showing Red Tails, a movie about the Tuskegee Airmen.

Chili and beverages will be provided, and we have volunteers to bring a green salad and apple pie.

If you’d like to come and help set up, show up around 6. Dinner & hangar talk at 6:30. Movie at 7 pm.

Friends and family are welcome. See you tonight!

Liz Sommers
Chief Pilot

April 6th Pilot Seminar – Mountain flying and operations at Truckee airport

Hello fellow pilots,

A freidnly reminder that our second Aviation talk is scheduled tomorrow April 6 at 6:30pm.

“Mountain flying and operations at Truckee airport”

Thursday, April 6, 18:30 – 20:00pm
Aviation institute of Maintenance, 9636 Earhart Rd, Oakland, CA 94621

Hardy Bullock is the Director of Aviation and Community Services at the Truckee Tahoe Airport District. He will cover topics including Mountain flying and operation at Truckee airport.
AAC Members, if there are any specific topics you would like to see discussed, please reach out to me via e-mail and I will work with Hardy to see if they can be addressed.

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow.


Regis Bectarte
650 539 5543

Congratulations Michael Scarito!!

After many delays due to weather, maintenance and other issues, 4 scheduled checkrides and 3 months later, in clear skies today Michael Scarito impressed DPE Vince Nastro in KTCY with his superior skills under the hood and PASSED his instrument checkride in 12H! CFII Joel Klein

Way to go Michael!

Liz Sommers
Chief Pilot

February Membership meeting

Fellow Members –
Happy Groundhog Day (or, as the late, great humorist Lawrence Peter Berra opined, “It’s deja vu all over again”).
As it turns out, I did not see my shadow today, so I think it’s safe to announce that our first Member Meeting of 2017 will be held on Sunday, February 19th. In keeping with tradition, we’ll attempt to wash one (or more) of our aircraft, followed by a BBQ and hangar flying session. I hope to see you there.
{I’m Bill Murray, and I approved this message.}

– Will Golden

October membership meeting and BOD meeting

The October member meeting got off the ground with non thunderous rain! The drops fell and everyone fit well inside the hanger. Votes were made and the existing board was reelected along with new member Michael Scarito. With the ‘thrice around’© cancelled due to rain we had a Q&A session with Liz Sommers our chief pilot and Will Golden, club ne’er-do-well and former ATC stooge. Afterwards the stories flew, merryment was had and pictures were taken.

The next BOD meeting is on Thurs, Oct 20, 7:30 pm at Signature.

A bunch of pilots and two birds