The club currently has 7 aircraft available for use by club members. Our four Cessna 172s are available to all members including Student Pilots, while our Piper Cherokee Warrior, Piper Arrow, and Diamond are available to Private Pilots and above following a checkout.
Reservations are made through FlightCircle. Hourly rates include fuel and are based on tach time, described below. All aircraft are equipped with A-DSB-out, while N734BN, N52789, and N22QT are equipped with A-DSB-in. All 7 aircraft have four-place intercoms. This page offers an overview of the fleet, including rental rates and checkout requirements, while more specific details on each airplane can be found on their individual webpages.
As of February 5th 2023, we have implemented a discounted mid-week rate on Tuesdays, Wednesday and Thursdays for same day flights. The discount is available on most aircraft in the fleet!
As of June 12, 2024, we have implemented a reduced daily minimum for multi-day trips in our DA40, PA28, and PA28R – see club rules for full details.
All prices below will be discounted by 3% for payments made by ACH.
2005 Diamond DA40 N22QT
- Normal rate: $195.70/tach hour (wet)
- Mid-week discount rate: $180.25/tach hour (Tue-Wed-Thur same day flights)
- Checkout rate: $154.50/tach hour (while completing required checkout with Club CFI)
- Specs:180hp, G1000, KAP140 Autopilot
- Requirements: Private Pilot; checkout with Club CFI
1980 Cessna 172N Superhawk N6605D
- Normal rate: $154.50/tach hour (Wet)
- Mid-week discount rate: $144.20/tach hour (Tue-Wed-Thur same day flights)
- Specs:180hp, IFR, KTN650, KX155, GFC500, Engine Analyzer,
- Requirements: checkout with Club CFI
1978 Cessna 172N Skyhawk N739UL
- Normal rate: $154.50/tach hour (Wet)
- Mid-week discount rate: $144.20/tach hour (Tue-Wed-Thur same day flights)
- Specs: 160hp, tuned exhaust, IFR, dual VOR, GNS 430W
- Requirements: checkout with Club CFI
1981 Cessna 172P Skyhawk N52789
- Normal rate: $154.50/tach hour (wet)
- Mid-week discount rate: $144.20 (Tue-Wed-Thur same day flights)
- Specs: 160hp, IFR, dual VOR, GNX375
- Requirements: checkout with Club CFI
1977 Cessna 172N Skyhawk N734BN
- Normal rate: $164.80/tach hour (wet)
- Mid-week discount rate: $154.50/tach hour (Tue-Wed-Thur same day flights)
- Specs:180hp, IFR, GTN750, GNC255, STEC Autopilot
- Requirements: checkout with Club CFI
1982 Piper Cherokee Warrior II N8312H P28A
- Normal rate: $164.80/tach hour (wet)
- Mid-week discount rate: $154.50/tach hour (Tue-Wed-Thur same day flights)
- Specs: 180hp, engine analyzer, IFR, dual VOR, GPS (Avidyne 540 IFD). Dual Garmin G5, GFC 500 Autopilot
- Useful load: 876.97 lbs; payload with full fuel: 588.97 lbs
- Requirements: Private Pilot; checkout with Club CFI
1967 Piper Arrow I N747JS PA-28R-180
- Normal rate: $180.25/tach hour (wet)
- Mid-week discount rate: $164.80 (Tue-Wed-Thur same day flights)
- Checkout rate: $139.05/tach hour (while completing required checkout with Club CFI)
- Specs:180hp, IFR, Garmin 430W, STEC30 Autopilot, Engine Analyzer
- Useful load: 910.50 lbs; payload with full fuel: 622.50 lbs
- Requirements: Private Pilot; 150+ hours flying time; checkout with Club CFI; 25 hours of single engine retract time including 5 in make/model OR 10 hours of dual instruction in make/model including 15 takeoffs and landings
Calculating Rates: Basic Info and Rules of Thumb
Hourly time is measured either by a Hobbs meter (a timer which starts when the engine does, runs at a steady rate, and stops when the engine shuts down) or by a tach meter (“tach time”). The tach meter runs at a rate slower than clock time when the engine is at less than cruise RPM (e.g. in descent, taxiing), meaning less time on the meter and less cost to you. Our planes use tach meters.
Hobbs time = Tach time x 1.3
Tach time = Hobbs time x 0.77
For example, a 1 hour and 20 minute (1.3 hour) flight in N6605D would cost 1 hour (Tach) at $150 (fuel included). A flight of equal duration in a wet 172 @ $150/hr (Hobbs) would cost $150 * 1.3 = $195 (fuel included).
Some other reasons we use a tach rate:
- No rush on the ground while idling
- Better fuel economy / less wear and tear when not flying at max power
- Accounting accuracy/fairness – 100 hour inspections, TBOs, etc are all based on tach time.
Reasons to use wet instead of dry:
- Fairness – “the last guy didn’t fill it up all the way”
- We don’t require a a refueling after shorter flights